We sat down with the world's favourite pushover to talk about his recent activities.

So Jonas, introduce yourself.
JVTA: My name is Jonas Vincent Teoti Albert. I live at an undisclosed address, and I am not married.
Is that all?
JVTA: Why do you think I stopped?
So Jonas, recently the Potato Empire fell. What's your reaction.
JVTA: Well, you can't really say it's fell. Governments-in-exile exist, do they not? I myself want to see what Taylor says before any necessary action is taken.
So you're saying you'd bow to Rory?
JVTA: No, I'll only bow to him when he calls me JVTA like a gentleman.
Okay, I'm not going to get involved in the debate with your name. Now, a-
JVTA: You'd better not...
About your position as the number person.
JVTA: It's mine. No one will take it. Ever. It is just...mine. Taylor gave me the crown, and I will keep the crown for life.
You'll take it to your grave?
JVTA: We'll see.
Okay, this next one is more or less something we at PMI wanted to know. Where do you come from?
JVTA: That is not your problem, reporter.
Oh come on, we won't tell...
JVTA: Oh, fine.
JVTA: So uhh...yeah.
I wish I never asked that now.
JVTA: Of course you do.
Well, thank you for sitting down with us, Jonas.
JVTA: I digress.
...what do you mean by digress?
JVTA: You'll see...