DISCLAIMER: This interview was conducted on 18 December 2024. Some information may now be incorrect due to the recent events in Sol Corp / Solron. PMI apologises for the delay in releasing this interview.
A few days ago, we sat down with the guy who looked a lot like Nicholas Cantu in middle school, Rory's number 1 hater, the founder of the Realmplex Builder's Union, Kaleidico.
First question, what inspired you to create the Realmplex Builders Union?
KALEIDICO: The RBU was created the same week I had joined the server, well over a year ago. It was always envisioned to finish the incomplete builds that were all over the server, but only recently did it start picking up steam after all the pieces had fallen into place.
Indeed. Second question, why did you choose Bird Land for the RBU's first project?
KALEIDICO: When I first joined the server with my friend, it’s where we first settled. It had always been empty and lacking activity, and the plan was always to move on to something greater; but when I first saw it, I began imagining what it could be if it was more developed, and so it just happened to be a good fit for the RBU. I think the reason Birdland became project no. 1 instead of the future plans with Kali is that it was the first to have multiple players working on it, and so there’s much more of a group effort.
Alright, third question, what drew you towards Bird Land in the first place? Why did you settle there?
KALEIDICO: Taylor told me to.
Damn, well, moving on. Fourth question, what is your stance on the current state of Realmplex?
KALEIDICO: I think the way it is structured is both appealing and debilitating. Many players into politics seem to like the idea of it more than actual execution of it. Why am I the one to come up with this and not the people who are considered leaders of nations? I think there needs to be more organization and appeal to the system to get players more active, and I think the RBU is providing a lot in that regard.
Could you share with us some of your ideas to encourage inactive players to start playing again?
KALEIDICO: I don’t have any. Only by making the server fun for the players who want to be active, will inactive players decide to revisit the server. At least that’s how I see it happening at the moment, with people like TheAllSeeingBird revisiting the server and such.
Ok then, next question, although it is similar to the prior, how do you hope to change Realmplex with the rise of the RBU?
KALEIDICO: Getting stuff done. One concern I do have is that we might be a little too unified. Conflict makes things inherently more fun, and so I hope it encourages others to form their own groups with like minded goals, not just sharing a flag while being spread thin throughout a nation.
Interesting opinion. Seventh question, how do you imagine an ideal state for Realmplex to be in for 2025 and beyond?
KALEIDICO: You should be able to log on at any time and find things have been changing. Things have been happening. This kind of goes off the previous question, but I think conflict is the key that drives people to do things, and what makes a server centered around politics fun. The rules and structure shouldn’t stifle conflict, although certain measures should definitely remain. No solcorp question? Surprised.
Good point, eighth question, could you give us some info on the recent disputed acquiring and subsequent revamping of Sol Corp Tower, or as it is now known, Solron Tower?
KALEIDICO: Well we needed a headquarters for the RBU, and since it is very much in the spirit of the Union to revamp old things, Solcorp had been a natural target for our stomping grounds. I think the dispute is a prime example of how the hyper fixation on politics becomes semantical and stifling when a player who is very inactive, who had plenty of time to do something before we had acted ourselves, holds ownership of a building they did not build, nor have any plans for.
Alright, final question, what is your opinion on Rory? Feel free to express yourself in any manner you deem fit.
(Kaleidico then proceeded to send a gif of LowTierGod.)
Is that all? I was expecting something a lot more animalistic.
KALEIDICO: What more do you want from someone who just spent an hour of their life answering questions about a Minecraft server?
Eh, fair enough.