Today, in a historic interview, we sit down with the potato king, TaylorWorld, and discuss his game plan for the future of the Potato Empire.

Okay, so, I wrote these down at 7:00am, so excuse me if they're outdated. QUESTION ONE: What is your opinion on Rory's sudden takeover? Do you have a plan to get the temple back?
TAYLOR: We do have plans to get the temple back, but that is currently confidential.
I see.
TAYLOR: Uh, my opinion on the takeover... uhh... [AUDIO CUTS OUT] -effort. But I think that... he has crossed the line and gone too far and we will rebel.
I can tell. Is that it?
TAYLOR: I think so.
Alright. QUESTION TWO: Rory have accused the Potato Empire of discrimination against other crops. What is your reaction on this?
TAYLOR: Um... I think that's a very bold statement. Uh, I don't remember, or uh... we have never put in any laws against other crops and we have never done any actions against any other crops. We may be called the Potato Empire, but I'm not saying that we don't like other things.
TAYLOR: Though, in saying that, this Carrot Empire thing, y'know, it kinda goes against our morals and what we stand for, which is peace, and due to that, we may end up not being into carrots.
Right, now, QUESTION 3: The Sol Corporation has announced it's opposition to the Carrot Empire as far as we are aware. Does this spell good or bad news for you?
TAYLOR: The Sol Corporation? Uh... this is probably because we have alot more influence, and Sol Corporation is run by capitalists, so... yeah, seems pretty good.
What do you mean by "capitalists"?
Next question! Uh, QUESTION 4: Do you think Rory will accept the two-week peace? Do you suspect he may use this to build his nation up more?
TAYLOR: We do suspect that this might lead him to working on his nation, during the two-week peace, which is a shame because we are putting all our efforts into the anniversary to celebrate the server and this world... um... but that's just [AUDIO CUTS OUT] ...he actually makes the Carrot Empire place rather than just taking over other places because we don't believe in war.
I had another question about that, but it's just flown out of my head. So uhh... I'll just continue with the final one I've listed down, uh... QUESTION 5: Do you have a backup supply of potatoes in case you end up back in power?
Or were all of the potatoes you had... were they all like at the Temple and stuff?
TAYLOR: I can say that... [AUDIO CUTS OUT] ...isn't the only potato fields on the server. There are other ones.
Are you saying that you're gonna use those to replant the fields should you get the Temple back?
TAYLOR: We will get the Temple back, one way or another... uh... I don't recognize them owning the Temple. I think that we still have that land, but that's my opinion.
Could you repeat that? I didn't really... get that...
TAYLOR: We will get our Temple back. We will get all our land back that has been stolen. And, my predecessor, Jackson, would never want the Potato Peninsula to be taken...
Who is Jackson?
TAYLOR: Jackson. He was the first potato king before me.
What happened to them?
TAYLOR: Uh, have you heard of the Ethan and {Cullem?} era?
Uhh... no?
TAYLOR: Well basically, it's a time of the server where two people - Ethan and {Cullem?} - basically controlled the server, and... um... and they're the reason why spawn, y'know, is...
A dump?
TAYLOR: ...why it was all cobblestone, why it was lava casted. But basically they trapped spawn, and they basically controlled it, and there was this little conflict where they flooded the entire Potato Temple with water from build limit, and... in the end, um, in the end we ended up cleaning it up, because of the Great Expansion of our lot... but as a consequence of that, we wanted to get back to Ethan for doing such things, so Jackson... I wasn't entirely sure about that, I thought that we could just let it... "I don't think we should mess with those people", and he went over to Wench and burnt down Ethan's house, and then Ethan and {Cullem?} hunted him down and they trapped him at spawn, they had a spawn trap. And he's never joined since.
Oh. Well that's...
TAYLOR: Who knows, maybe one day Jackson will come back. I can imagine that if we aren't able to get back the Potato Peninsula, Jackson might get mad and he could come back from the dead. I dunno.
Well, I... that's all the questions I have, is that all you have to say?
TAYLOR: Um... I'd like to leave a message to the Carrot Empire, that... that we will reclaim all our land back and we will gain back the Potato Temple, and once the Great Potato has been put in it's place, the entire desert will be full of life. And the Peninsula will be back to it's former glory.
Right. Well, um, thank you for your time, Taylor.
TAYLOR: It was a pleasure being here. I just disconnect now?
Yeah, this is the end of the interview.
im crying this intevew was so motivational uplifting, taylor is such a great guy. Saddly though I will nuke him this Monday and whilst I'm here thinking about our good memorys we make like taylor dropping the soap in the shower and how how we used to ick flowers in the medows of the potatoes and everything like... its.. so Sad.