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Carrot Republic declines to join U.R.A.

Writer: Jonas AlbertJonas Albert

(LEFT) The logo of the United Nations, an organisation of similar purpose to the U.R.A. that exists in real life. The U.R.A. has no official logo. (RIGHT) The flag of the Carrot Republic.

The United Colonies of the Carrot Republic has refused to join the U.R.A.

The announcement was made earlier this evening by Rory, the leader of the Carrot Republic. Their main reasons are because of their belief that this new organisation will stagnate progress on Realmplex.

The full announcement, transliterated, word for word, from the Carrot Republic's Discord server, can be found below.

I would like to announce that the United Colonies of the Carrot Republic will not be joining the United Realmplex Alliance, and I will be taking a stance against it, however, I do not wish any ill will towards any of the members of the URA.
My reasons for opposing URA are as follows:
I believe that conflict is what drives this server to improve, look at how many farms, buildings, and farmland was created during the Carrot-Potato Conflict. And one of the main goals of the URA is to achieve server-wide peace, which although is a noble goal, will only serve to stagnate the server.
I am not saying there needs to always be war, but there will always need to be some level of competition or conflict of interests to make us strive to do better, otherwise the server will loose any appeal, especially since from what I've heard from newer players is that the politicals and conflict is what made this server interesting.
I also see this as an attempt by the Potato Empire to artificially increase its strength, and gain back some members and allies it has lost during the numerous conflicts it has been involved in, which severely weakened it, and I believe that Potato Empire will continue to decline as long as Potato continues to stand for what it believes in now, as it continually sits around and makes no stand against it's enemies when threatened, and instead leaves that to its allies, which it has very few of anymore. Although the main goal of URA is peace and unity, I think even Taylor see's that goal as unrealistic.
I am not going to try stop anyone from joining URA, however I encourage any leaders reading this to consider the pros and cons carefully before applying for membership.


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