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Carrot Republic renames west half of Sol Corp, searches for governor

Writer: Jonas AlbertJonas Albert

Flag of the Carrot Republic.

The Carrot Republic has renamed their half of Sol Corporation to "Solaris". The announcement was made on the country's official Discord server earlier today by Rory, the Carrot Republic's head of state.

The territory was created after Meese, the owner of Sol Corporation, quit the server and split Sol's territory between the aforementioned Carrot Republic and the Potato Empire.

The Carrot Republic have also detailed their plans to install a governor over Solaris. The governor will be able to govern the territory as he pleases, but Rory must be informed first before any changes are made. Rory also holds the right to overrule changes as he sees fit.

The full announcement, word for word from the Discord, can be found below.

@everyone Since Meese has quit the server, and left the territory of Sol Corporation split between UCCR and Potato Empire, I am going to name my half of Sol Corp, the western half, Solaris. And because I am busy working on Carrot Sanctuary I need someone to lead Solaris, anyone who volunteers I will consider for leadership, and if accepted will be grander the @Carrot Citizen role if they didn’t already have it, as well as being given the @Governor of Solaris role. The Governor will have the ability to do as they see fit with the territory, however they must tell me before doing so, and if I disapprove then I can overrule them. I can supply resources to help with any projects in Solaris. If the Governor show themselves to be incompetent, or is working against me in any way I will have their power revoked and will be banished from Carrot, and I will look for a new Governor. Please DM me if you wish to apply for leadership


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