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CNS Courage sunk at Name Pending

Writer: Jonas AlbertJonas Albert

The CNS Courage, stacked with TNT.

The Carrot Republic is infuriated after one of their naval ships, the CNS Courage, was sunk within Name Pending's waters.

The ship was destroyed on December 5th, 2022, at the request of Name Pending, currently a part of the Potato Empire. Both MikeCube and SashaTripleUnderscore participated in the destruction of the vessel, while TaylorWorld stood on the mainland to take images of the bombing.

CNS Courage being blown up. (SOURCE: TaylorWorld)

The Carrot government was infuriated by the destruction of the boat. "I see this as an unprovoked attack by Potato Empire and, organised by highest members of the Potato government," RoryRDMB said to PMI this afternoon. "If Potato had just asked us to move the CNS Courage out of their waters, we would have done just that, a strike like this show that Potato Empire is willing to attack UCCR ships just to make a point, and I will not tolerate such disrespect, and as long as the potato government continues to act in this manner, there will never again be any sort of dialogue between UCCR and Potato Empire."

Rory also explained why the boat was in Name Pending's waters. "The CNS Courage was stationed at [name pending] to investigate if it had really joined Potato Empire, and to access the capability of [name pending], if the vessel was requested to leave by a leader of Potato Empire, then it would withdraw."

CNS Courage on November 26th, 2022.

Potato tried to justify the sinking of the boat in a statement from TaylorWorld. "Ships that enter Potato waters from the Carrot Republic Navy or any other navy without permission will not be tolerated in the slightest. If you park a ship carrying torpedoes in our territory, then you are just asking for that ship to be sunk. The CNS Courage was a threat to Name Pending's peace and security and it has been dealt with accordingly. Rory, you may have asked Michael for permission before you built the boat, but I doubt that you mentioned the ship would be armed with torpedoes. Let this be a warning, don't start another war."

There has been no comment from MikeCube, king of Name Pending, as of yet, though we expect comments from him in the coming hours.

We have also been told by Rory that construction of the boat's wreckage is being considered.



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