The Potato government has officially announced the date for the first Potato general election.
The first election is set to take place on January 1st, 2023. Under the guidelines outlined in the Election Rulebook, the new government elected in this vote will be inaugurated on January 8th, 2023, unless other circumstances arise.
The announcement was made by TaylorWorld, one of the Potato Monarchs, on the Potato Empire's Discord. The full text can be found at the end of this article.
Eligibility is determined by the following criteria:
* All voters must be a citizen of the Empire (i.e. hold a permanent residency within the Empire)
* All voters must not have a criminal record
* All voters must not be banned from Realmplex at the time of the election
There are two parties running in the election. The deadline for registering is December 30th.
The official statement
Today on Christmas Eve I am happy to announce the dates for the first ever Potato Election! In 8 days from now, on January 1st, 2023 be ready, this day will decide the future of the Empire. Who will be in parliament and who won't be, what policies will be introduced and what won't be.
If you want to become a politician and be nominated for this election then I'd suggest registering yourself as soon as possible, you have 6 days left. It is really easy to get yourself registered, just let me know and we will get you on the ballot. The cutoff date for registering yourself as a candidate is 30th December, 2022. This will be the easiest time to become a candidate or register a party as no candidates/parties have developed "loyalty" from their voters yet.
If you're a voter then learn about your candidates, at the moment there's only candidates running for Thailand and Potato Central, but this could all change if more people decide to run. The two current political parties are the @Potato Democrats and the @United Crop Party. You can find more information in information about the parties and their candidates. There are also quite a few advertisements being made pretty frequently by candidates in advertisements.
So uhh yeah, merry Christmas to all and to all a good rest of your day.