Days ago we held an interview with head of state of Wheat Kingdom, Pebble. This is the transcript of that interview.

(JVTA's text is in italics.)
First question. So, about the recent border closure...what's this all about?
PEBBLE: So, the border closure is kinda two things. Uh, one of which I can very easily explain, the other not so much - at least not very quickly.
Can you explain it then?
PEBBLE: Yeah. So the first reason is because of the fact that normally when the borders are closed like that, uh, it means that, y'know, like, stay away, and honestly, the less people that I have here during this time, kinda the better.
So what are your current plans going forward then?
PEBBLE: I don't really know. I mostly just... did this sort of... the other reason why I did it. Or rather, the first reason, cause I dunno if I really explained it good enough... was kind of a mental health break thing for me.
Oh. Is something happening?
PEBBLE: I guess.... It's more just... I really don't feel like stressing myself out over Minecraft politics, and I feel like it would be alot easier for me to just, kinda, take a step back from everything before it becomes an issue.
You're taking a break?
PEBBLE: For the most part, yeah, that's the idea.
Huh. Erm...the third question...
Recently, there's been a lot of talk over your alliances with Rory through the UCC. Is the United Crop Coalition really dead or will it make a return?
PEBBLE: Uhh... well knowing Rory, it's certainly possible that it could come back, but if it does, and I'm still on break, it's got nothing to do with me.
But if you're not on break, what do you think will happen?
PEBBLE: Uh, that depends if I decide to ally with them again. I cut off all ties with all previous allies, I'm going dark.
You're...switching to neutrality, you're saying?
PEBBLE: No. I'm switching to the... what I like to call "ghost-state". Essentially, uh, it'll be as though I don't exist. It'll be as though this entire country is just a big chunk error. That's the plan.
What happens while you're gone? Just nothing?
PEBBLE: No. I will have one exception to my blacklist policy. And, they will be responsible for looking after the server while I'm on break. Or if not the server, y'know.
So...I'm guessing this person will ensure- 'cause like, obviously, if Wheat Kingdom disappeared off the map entirely, like, another country might go "ohh, free land" and try to take it. Like, is this a way to try and prevent this?
PEBBLE: Yeah, because it's not really the idea of me trying to drop off the map, it's more just the idea that... there's nothing here. There's nothing for you here. There's no reason to stay here. That's kind of the... my goal right now, because really, that's what it is. I'm, for now at least, I'm gonna be moving all of my materials to a secure location, and I'm just gonna be leaving this place behind for a little.
PEBBLE: Obviously, I'm not gonna be staying completely away from it. I- obviously, I have someone to look after Wheat. I'm gonna be in touch with everything, and I'm gonna know about shit if something happens. But, y'know... just... being able to kinda take a backseat for a while will probably do me some good.
Well, good luck with that. Erm... the final question I have on here, is we received a letter from you. And in the letter, you said that the citizens of Wheat Kingdom had vacated the country. Could you, like, elaborate on this? Like, why did they leave, and where have they gone?
PEBBLE: Alright. So, I think I can explain why they left. I can't really say where they went because not only am I not sure about the exact location, but even if I was, I'd be obligated not to speak about it.
PEBBLE: But, essentially, during the signing of the, uh, the UCC treaty, some shit went down. Now, I am not trying to cause trouble or to throw shade at anybody. However, there is a lot of talk, specifically from two people in particular, that Rory was involved in this whole issue, as well as Meese. It doesn't matter now.
What was this issue?
PEBBLE: So... apparently there were some not-so-great things that were written in the UCC Treaty. And apparently, some things were said there that I can't necessarily comment on, because I had left. I essentially entrusted them to get the signing done because I had to go to bed. Like, I was tired.
Did the stuff in the treaty have anything to do with... what Rory later did? Did it have anything to do with, um... their attack on Potato Empire.
PEBBLE: No. It was already after they had become the Carrot Republic. Unless there's another attack that I'm unaware of.
No, I'm talking about... the big war, with the destruction of the Potato Temple and all that.
PEBBLE: Okay, yeah, that... yeah, this was before... this was after that. My bad.
PEBBLE: My leave of absence will not be forever; it is very much going to be temporary. I am trying to focus resources on to going back to the production of The Wall. I feel like that would definitely help when it comes to knowing exactly where the boundaries for the country are. I have an idea of where I'm going to store everything. I actually have two locations in my... neither of which I can disclose for obvious reasons. But... I am going to be putting away one in my emergency war bunker. And the other one is going to my colony.
Well I have one other question that Taylor wanted to ask [TAYLOR WAS APPROACHED FOR QUESTION IDEAS ON THE DAY], but I didn't know if I should ask it.
PEBBLE: Let's hear it.
So you have said that you are going to be isolating Wheat Kingdom from the rest of the server. So, does this mean you're going to be completing the huge cobblestone wall that is encompassing the country?
PEBBLE: I already kinda answered this question, but yeah, I am planning on finishing it.
PEBBLE: If we are lucky, I think it should be done by... I dunno, September, if all goes according to plan, and I don't come off break by then. Or, y'know, if I don't come back to the political sphere by then. Then probably September, the wall would be completed. That is if I start doing it now, which I'm not planning, so... liberally, I'd say September at best... probably December at worst. And all of this is ignoring the fact that I will likely be off break by then.
PEBBLE: At least I hope I'll be off my break by then.
PEBBLE: So... I can't exactly put this into a word format, because that would defeat the point of the interview. But, I guess I would like to say that...
To my former citizens of Wheat Kingdom: I wish you the best of luck in your new situation, and I hope that Taylor treats you well.
To Rory and Zac (we're guessing Zac is Meese): I really did not want to, kinda, cause as much trouble as I did, however Zac, I am a little pissed at you, because of the fact that you have this bullshit fucking fee for leaving the treaty. And you know, that really irked me, y'know. Cause, y'know, I'm trying to take a mental health break because I don't want to stress myself over Minecraft, and yet here you are asking for half a stack of diamonds per person as if I have shit. I don't have anything. That's been made abundantly clear. And I just hope that your greedy vulture side stays mostly in the dark.
And, to Taylor: I guess I'm just kinda sorry that I was a bit of a dick to you. Like, yeah, sure, you have like, small willy syndrome or whatever, but, honestly, not that bad. Uh, I'd rate it as like a high B-tier (what the heck is this supposed to mean).
And, uh, make sure that I have a reservation at "Femboy Hooters", in Femboy Land.
Yeah, that's about it.
Oh, right, and one more thing. I forgot to list the terms for the isolation policy. So yeah, if you're not authorized to go into Wheat Kingdom, then the first time that you enter, uh, you will be fined ten diamonds. Second time, you're dead. Whether your items are retrieved or not will be determined by Taylor or someone important.
Alright. I think that should be it.
[This is the end of the interview.]