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Interview with Rory and Pebble

Writer: Jonas AlbertJonas Albert

Earlier in May the PMI did an interview with two heads of state - Rory (of the Carrot Empire) and Pebble (of Wheat Kingdom). Many topics were discussed, while the Carrot Empire and the Wheat Kingdom made a joint statement.

This is the transcript of that interview.

NOTE: Text written in italics refer to dialogue said by the interviewer (Jonas Albert / JVTA).

QUESTION ONE: Carrot Empire and Wheat Kingdom have an announcement to make. What's that all about?

PEBBLE: All I can really disclose right now until it's said and done is that there are some big plans.

RORY: Yeah, big plans.

PEBBLE: And uh...

Big plans?

PEBBLE: Yeah. And uh... RORY: It might surprise a few people, but it might not surprise a few people.

And what was Pebble about to say?

PEBBLE: The best things normally come from waiting.

I see.

QUESTION TWO: You know how Potato Empire's been doing alot of stuff recently? What's your reaction to that?

RORY: The bridge or... could you be more specific?

I just have it written down as "recent Potato Empire projects".

RORY: Can you, like, name some things?

Um... the only ones I can think of are the bridge and the replanting of all the potatoes.

PEBBLE: Taylor approached me about, uh, adding my country to the railway system. Um, I mean I'd be down. It seems cool. We haven't done anything official yet, but I've been looking into it.

RORY: Um...Potato Empire has been embarking on a lot of large projects recently, perhaps to match Carrot Empire's rapid development.

PEBBLE: I think they're just compensating for small w[expletive]y syndrome.

Rory laughs.

RORY: Perhaps they're compensating for our navy.


PEBBLE: Ah yes, all half a ship.

RORY: Yep. Oh, you [referring to JVTA] weren't aware, and perhaps some of the people reading this, would have.

PEBBLE: Yeah, basically Carrot Empire has, uh...

RORY: We've got a navy now. A naval base. Several warships are planning to be made. We've appointed an admiral.


RORY: Uh...I think his Discord profile is "No", but, Admiral William would be his name.

QUESTION THREE: You know how Rice Kingdom doesn't exist anymore, and we all know the details about that. Uh, what do you think should be done with, like, the land?

I've heard different suggestions.

RORY: That is... classified information-

I've heard different suggestions; some people say, like, keep it for archives and stuff, some people say just burn it all.

RORY: Uh, that is classified information.

I can't say anything 'cause I'm just a journalist. I can't do much.

PEBBLE: I have been semi-public on my stance about this. Uh, I don't know if it was directly here, but, y'know, I'm fine with other people living there. It's just that it might be under new management, if you get my drift.

RORY: Yeah. Right now our plans are classified.

And also, you know, like, other people may have ideas, but like, that's all...

PEBBLE: Oh yeah, of course other people have ideas, but if they happen to enact those ideas when someone else is in charge, they gotta deal with all of the ramifications that that brings.

RORY: Yep.

To be fair, that's like, future discussion, isn't it?

RORY: Exactly. But as I said, it's classified.

PEBBLE: Uh, sure.


PEBBLE: I have a few things. The first is that I feel that there's a little bit of, uh, confusion when it comes to Rory and I. We do in fact have an alliance; the whole April Fools war was a thought that we came up with, because for me it was April Fools, for him it was April 2nd. Yeah. We were not ever actually in conflict, in fact, I would say that we have been allies since the beginning.

RORY: Yeah.

PEBBLE: I also would like to make the announcement that, well, you were patient, so you get to get the first little scoop on the idea that Rory and I have been coming up with.

RORY: Taylor has heard a teeny bit about this in a different context, but he doesn't know anything about what we're about to tell you.

PEBBLE: Right so... What do you think, Rory, should we...

RORY: I think we should say a little bit; I don't think we should say anything on the treaty or any of that, just, the announcement.

PEBBLE: Yeah, the announcement of...

RORY: The United Crop Coalition. Between... Wheat Kingdom and Carrot Empire...

Flag of the United Crop Coalition.(SOURCE: Rory)

What's this all about then? Or am I not allowed to know? Yet?

PEBBLE: All I'm gonna tell you is... remember what I said about there being some big ideas?

RORY: Yeah, and being patient.


PEBBLE: Yeah. Expect big change, big ideas, and big budgets I guess.

RORY: Probably big arguments as well.

PEBBLE: Probably. There is... another person that we are looking to try and have join the party who's name I cannot disclose.

RORY: Or at least join in some... activities.

PEBBLE: Yeah. But, y'know, I think that if it does end up goin' through... uh, it's gonna be a hell of a time.

RORY: Maybe the server will finally... be peaceful again.

PEBBLE: Also this is now the time for me to plug my book. Uh, Wheat Manifesto, on Amazon now.

RORY: Time to plug my book.

PEBBLE: I'm not copying that book.

RORY: Carrot Manifesto, on Amazon... now...

PEBBLE: Oh no, there's a phantom... coming to kick my ass! AAAAA-

There's an assassination attempt.

RORY: Watch out, watch out!

Phantoms began spawning around this point and began attacking JVTA, Rory, and Pebble. After that was sorted out, Rory asked to add one final thing.

RORY: I have just got one final thing to say. Which is that... the Underwater Empire shall return in some form. It's not gone.

What happened to it?

RORY: It hasn't been active. No one's... nothing's really happened with it, aside from a few announcements in the initial Carrot-Potato conflict.

PEBBLE: Oh, and uh, one more thing I think is important to mention...


PEBBLE: Due to the fact that the threat of war is now gone, and the Wheat Empire can continue to focus on progression, uh, it will soon be open for uh, residential living. Apartment complexes have already begun construction. One is nearly finished while one is still but a lavacast. But, I am planning for people to eventually start living there. And, with the added bonus of the wall, it makes it one of the most protected countries from blatant attacks.

RORY: I think the most... the best defence, however, is just to be in a secret location. So, therefore, Carrot Empire will not be opening it's borders with any non-Carrots.

PEBBLE: Another thing is that... it's impossible to get to Wheat Kingdom by nether portal; you have to travel there yourself. My reasoning for doing this is because I don't like how people can just travel in and out like that. Makes things too hard to regulate.

Right... Don't know what Taylor's going to say about that, but anyway... erm... so I'm guessing that's it then?

PEBBLE: Uh, I think that's it.

RORY: I think so.


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