Jonasland is to sell the Unnamed Skyscraper, its tallest building.
The building, which has remained empty since its construction, has been sold to Intamin, a theme park constructor based in the Sea Spray Islands owned by McTwoPoint0. The deal was negotiated through Discord over several days. The tower is being sold for 16 diamond blocks (equivalent to 144 diamonds).
Under the sale, Intamin gets full ownership of the entire skyscraper. Intamin has also agreed to contribute to the economic development of Jonasland; the details of what exactly Intamin will contribute is not yet known to PMI.
The sale brings to a close debate over the future of the skyscraper. Initially, Jonasland announced plans to redesign the skyscraper. These plans later fell through due to inactivity. Other proposals included selling the tower to GSC, and renting floors of the tower out to other companies.
The handover of the tower will occur at some point in the weekend. TheAllSeeingBird, the incumbent president of Jonasland, is expected to attend.