The potato king, TaylorWorld, is oddly silent as Rory releases a statement decreeing the Carrot Empire's independence.
In a statement this evening, the carrot king said this:
Potato empire gave no rights to any other vegetables, and anyone supporting carrots were ridiculed and humiliated by their king, TaylorWorld
Carrots and other vegetables were tired of the oppression caused by the Potato empire, and so we will provide a place for any wheat, or beetroot supporters, and will be given a role in the Carrot empire discord server as recognition
Unlike potato empire, carrot empire does not discriminate against people outside the empire, they only ones we have a problem with is potato[e]s
TaylorWorld has not responded to our pleas for comment, despite his presence on Discord being online.
Reactions to the new government has been largely positive. The Underwater Empire has largely declared their support for the Carrot Empire.
The offical opinion of the Underwater Empire on the creation of Carrot empire is that the Underwater Empire recognises Carrot Empire as an offical state, and have opened trade negotiations, but they still wish to maintain good relations with what remains of Potato empire -Official statement from the Underwater Empire government
Rory has already announced some of his cabinet - so far all we know is that Trippie Greenn is now Rory's advisor as well as the Carrot Empire's minister of defence.
PMI will continue to report on the Carrot-Potato situation as it escalates.