MikeCube and Trombone_13 have quit Realmplex. Their reason given was "lack of interest and a general dislike of the server".
In the mist of this, the fate of MikeCube's nation, Name Pending, remains up in the air. Potato and Jonasland are debating on the country's fate while the throne continues to remain vacant. Various solutions have been suggested, ranging from dividing the country between Thailand and SSI, to a Ravine Town-style situation where the territory is maintained, to a situation where the country is just given to SashaTripleUnderscore. No decision has been reached.
JVTA, current vice president and former president of Jonasland, issued a statement regarding MikeCube's departure. It reads: "It has come to my attention that the former president of Jonasland, MikeCube, has departed from Realmplex. I wish him well in his future endeavours outside of the server. I will not make any further statements on the matter."
We are expecting a decision to be reached by the end of today, though nothing has been confirmed yet, leaving everything up in the air.