This is an OPINION ARTICLE. This article does not represent the opinions of the rest of PMI.
In recent days, there has been a lot of talk about this new organisation named "The Supremacy". Founded and presumably led by EPCNZ, it seeks to fully control and/or rule over all parts of the server. The organisation made its debut on 13 July 2024, to much concern and discussion between the members of Realmplex.
Here's why the whole thing is dead from the start.
To start, these people intend to, on the 1st of August, spark anarchy and fight a war with every country that refuses to join them. Wonderful! Not like most nations already have alliances with other nations that would be roped into a war if any shots are fired! The United Realmplex Alliance going to war with these people, in particular, would be an absolute death knell to the organisation, with two of the major powers on the server (Potato and Carrot) likely to crush the Supremacy in hours, if not minutes. Invading The Gays would also be a death knell, if the Cartel War is anything to go by. At most, the Supremacy's worst attack is likely to be them pestering one or two people, or perhaps even blowing something up.
Another thing to note is the system the Supremacy intends to set up. A dictatorship. To replace a variety of political systems, which includes democracies. It is highly unlikely, if not impossible, that countries like Potato and Jonasland, whose democratic systems go back years, would be willing to erase all power for the people in favour of some man ruling with an iron fist. I'm also pretty sure that none of the countries would allow themselves to be ruled over by or be put under the effective control of literally just one man.
Here's also something to note. In the organisation's second poster, they write:
"Life after the war will look rich with community farms being constructed to assist with getting better gear and to help with materials to build."
I wonder if these people know that these things ALREADY EXIST. Most major nations already have publicly accessible locations that allow for the collection of resources and the obtaining of gear. Some nations also already have enough resources, or otherwise the ability to get resources themselves, without external help.
In conclusion, the Supremacy is likely to fall before it even gets a chance to make a single dent in the current political system of Realmplex. The threats they have made are almost laughable, and shouldn't be of much concern, if any, to other nations, who have enough manpower and resources as is to keep them at bay. If they even did something major like blow a landmark up, all someone needs to do is file a vandalism report to the moderators, and they'll get banned in minutes.
So rest in peace, Supremacy. Dead at the doorstep before you even got started. Maybe don't try to pick a fight with the literal dominant powers of the server come August 1st.