A PMI reporter faced a harrowing encounter today.
JVTA, a PMI correspondent operating out of Thailand, was investigating a castle they had found while in transit by boat to the Temple, when a group of spiders and later a zombie appeared and attacked the reporter.
JVTA immediately retreated to the boat, but found it hard to drive due to the amount of mobs coupled with the waterway's diagonal pathway.
Before long, JVTA was forced to traverse back to Thailand by foot, narrowly avoiding skeleton attacks along the way.
"It was the most harrowing experience of my life," JVTA told PMI. "I felt like I was going to get killed that instant."
JVTA says he is going to file a request to the world governments for better waterways, despite the lack of an alliance similar to the United Nations existing in Realmplex.
So is he okay, or is PMI now just gonna fade away?