UPDATE (10.03.2023 - 5:01PM NZDT): RoryRDMB has had his citizenship added back.
Hello, and welcome to the very first PMI Rundown. This is a new format we are trying, amidst an explosion of news. This format of news may be used for stories that could be considered too uneventful to warrant their own article. On the other hand, it could also be used to summarise major events.
Let's run through the day's headlines.
Server status
The server is currently mysteriously not working. No further information is available at this time.
Major political news
Clamlum, the president of Jonasland, has been temporarily banned from Realmplex for three days.
The ban has attracted some criticism.
In reaction, RoryRDMB has had his citizenship revoked. He, as well as MikeCube (former president of Jonasland), and SashaTripleUnderscore (the man who did the banning), are all prohibited from entering Jonasland and have shoot-on-sight orders.
JVTA, former president of Jonasland, has not commented on the matter.
Other political news
Ravine Town has closed it's borders due to refurbishment work. No one is permitted to use the Ravine Town canals, and should detour in the oceans or find another mode of transport.
New projects
Trombone_13 has opened a shop at the bottom of the Sol Corp Tower. The store sells general goods and, for some reason, animals. Trombone_13 has called on JVTA to finish JonasMart in Thailand so he "has competition".
Two buildings have begun construction in Jonasland - a skyscraper east of Agriburg, and a small apartment building in Pavaria.
And that's the rundown for Friday, 10th March, 2023.