Today, the populace of the Potato Empire awoke to find themselves under a new country. The "Carrot Empire", as they call themselves, have whisked themselves to power and seized control of the Potato Temple.
The potato fields surrounding the temple have been cleared, likely to make room for carrots, which were found recently in a field.
The ruler of the Carrot Empire, Rory, has issued a statement tonight:
[The Potato Empire] empire no longer exists, the Carrot Empire will rise from the ashes of the long neglected potatos! Long live the Carrot Empire! Taylor is no longer king of this land, and in his place I elect myself as Carrot King. I also herby elect Trippie Greenn to be my advisor. And everyone I am going to give you an ultimatum, join Carrot Empire, or suffer the consequences.
TaylorWorld, the king of the Potato Empire, is yet to comment. No other source within the Potato Empire's government has commented either. Other nations have been approached for comment.
The news has been met with barely any reaction from other sources. The only complaint has come from Jonas Albert (going by the name of JVTA), who recently set up a Potato Empire government-in-exile at his home in Thailand. JVTA was approached for comment, but no response has been received.
So as the sun sets on the world, the world can only think of what will happen next. Maybe the Carrot Empire will stay. Maybe they won't. Who knows? We can only guess.