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Realmplex turns two - the server's greatest moments, recapped

Writer: Jonas AlbertJonas Albert

Realmplex turns two today.

Today, Sunday 5th March 2023, marks the second anniversary of the fifth and longest-lasting rendition of Realmplex. To celebrate, we've decided to share with you the greatest moments in the server's history.

All history prior to 2022 is sourced from TaylorWorld.

The discovery of Ravine Town. This is not the earliest screenshot of the server, which is actually somewhere on TaylorWorld's hard drive.

5 Mar 2021 - Server begins

Let's roll back all the way to the start. On March 5th, 2021, Kiddorox and TaylorWorld began the fifth season of Realmplex. The original members of the server included Meese, AliahX, Clamlum, SandwichPress, Bs_zombie, Jaxolord, and the now-inactive Jesus Grist.

Everyone quickly migrated west of spawn, noticing it was a desert. They landed in the location where Ravine Town is today. Jaxolord moved into a desert temple and made it his home. Three days later, on March 8th, 2021, Bs_zombie travelled to the end and killed the ender dragon.

March continued to be an important month. On March 12th, one of the oldest landmarks on the server, a crane, was constructed at Ravine Town. On March 15th, SandwichPress and TaylorWorld got the server's first mending villager, and began to buy mending books.

SashaTripleUnderscore, a future server admin, joined Realmplex in July of 2021. He was not very active for some time.

Pink Sheep.

The rise of Pink Sheep

Sometime before August 2021, Jom chance encountered a pink-dyed sheep in what is now northern Wench. Pink sheep are very rare when it comes to naturally spawning.

The Pink Sheep church on Monty Island (now destroyed).

A religion was soon formed around the sheep, nicknamed Pinkie. The religion, named Pink Sheep, became the first and so far the oldest continuously running religion on the server. On August 1st, 2021, the first gathering of this religion took place on a church on Monty Island. On August 6th, 2021, the second Pink Sheep gathering took place.

On August 7th, 2021, LeBanana assassinated Pink Sheep. Her remains were consumed. Monty Island was also destroyed. Furious, Monty, as well as TaylorWorld, destroyed LeBanana's house in the name of their god. Wench was founded the same day. A Pink Sheep church is built in Wench to replace the one at Monty Island. According to TaylorWorld, the church was later mysteriously destroyed. The church was later rebuilt.

On September 8th, 2021, Kiddorox added and then removed the server's first plugin.

Wench, with actually paved roads.

Post-Pink Sheep: The rise of great powers

On September 9th, SandwichPress lavacasted spawn. The next day, Pink Sheep followers attempted to hold a third gathering but were interrupted by SandwichPress. On September 21st, construction of the Potato Temple, under the watch of Potato King Jackson I (Jaxolord), began. The Potato Empire had been created months earlier, on June 2nd.

Monty Island dissolved on October 4th, 2021. The next day, the Pink Sheep church was moved to the end of the street at Wench, after being destroyed a second time. Wench also set up beacons. On October 7th, RoryRDMB and CrazyKiller both joined the server.

It is around this time that both SandwichPress and Clamlum became very powerful members of the server. On October 7th, the two of them destroyed CrazyKiller's house for "looking too shit", according to TaylorWorld.

The Cocaine Cat later joined and built a house at Wench. On October 16th, Kiddorox started a Head Hunt, a sort of easter egg-style game where members of the server could find mob heads around the server.

At some point in December of 2021, Jaxolord was banned. He had noticed people calling for a server rollback due to the death of Aliah's cat. In response, to try and force a rollback, Jaxolord destroyed Wench, forcing a rollback. While Jaxolord was unbanned, he has not played since.

JVTA joined the server on December 24th, 2021, but was not very active due to their computer going kaput.

The earliest existing image of Potato Temple under Carrot occupation.

Conflict sparks; the server grows

It would have just been a regular day, but alas it would not be. On February 25th, 2022, RoryRDMB occupied the Potato Temple and formed the Carrot Empire. At the same time, PMI was founded, to report on the current events of the server.

The conflict would be lengthy, with both sides having various screaming matches. Finally, on March 18th, RoryRDMB and TaylorWorld agreed to end the conflict, with Potato getting their temple back, and Carrot venturing far away to build their own.

The "Great Farms Race", as Rory dubs it, later sparked, with both countries vying to be better than each other. The Wheat Kingdom was started around this time by Pebble. Wheat and Carrot then jokingly went to war on April 1st, 2022, sparking concern in the Potato Empire.

On June 16th, 2022, the Great Realmplex War occurred. Carrot, citing alleged violations of the Treaty of Marineville, declared war on the Potato Empire. Potato suffered major destruction across it's borders, with the Potato Temple and the entirety of Thailand both being destroyed. Taylor's house at Wench was also partially destroyed. SashaTripleUnderscore later logged on and killed both Rory and FrenziedRaptor until they logged off. The Carrot Castle was bombed after this.

Post-war events: what is going on?

On June 24th, 2022, Femboy Land was founded by SashaTripleUnderscore, SandwichPress, and Clamlum. On the same day, they decided to present an ultimatum to Potato: remove the word "great" from their Discord server, or face another war. Nothing really happened after that, though PMI founder JVTA did have an argument over whether they were biased. Whether they are will remain a mystery until they do another interview.

On July 24th, the URA (United Realmplex Alliance), was founded by Potato Empire, to try and bring the factions of the world together. Carrot refused to join as they believed conflict "was what drived progress". Femboy Land simply refused to join.

The earliest photo of Jonasland. Remember when there actually were trees on the Mainland?

Shipbuilding and stuff

Speculation on whether another conflict would occur continued to raise. This concern was especially high for JVTA, who began to yearn for running their own country. After some contemplation, they sailed south to the continent of Meridia, and founded Jonasland. Jonasland was the first republic on the server.

On November 26th, MikeCube's town, Name Pending, joined the Potato Empire. Days later, they bombed a Carrot ship for violating their territorial waters.

Potato, noticing Carrot had begun building ships, began to consider building their own.

On January 5th, 2023, Potato held the server's first election. Potato Democrats, run by JVTA, won in a landslide. Ten days later, Jonasland held it's first election; MikeCube won in an upset victory.

On February 12th, the Sea Spray Islands (SSI) were founded. On February 20th, MikeCube resigned as president of Jonasland.

The sun rises on the west coast of Thailand.

To the future, and beyond...

Realmplex has big aspirations for the future. Many new projects have been started across the server. New members have begun joining left and right, including Trombone_13, Revden, McTwoPoint0, TheAllSeeingBird, and EntityM. Some old members, including LeBanana, have also begun rejoining.

Thailand is in it's most active state in ages. Jonasland has become a hub of activity. Ravine Town has closed it's borders and is doing something (I wonder what that's about...). The future of the server is looking bright and hopeful.

Here's to the next two years. Happy birthday, Realmplex Season 5.



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