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Rory returns to Realmplex, forms Carrot Republic

Writer: Jonas AlbertJonas Albert

Rory, alongside fellow former Carrot Empire member FrenziedRaptor, has been unbanned from Realmplex. He has decided to reform the Carrot Empire - or Carrot Town depending on what you call it - and make it into the Carrot Republic.

Rory issued the following some time ago on Discord.

I would like to announce the disillusionment of The Formidable Carrot Empire, and will be replaced by The New Republic of Carrot, we are going to introduce new policies, we will no longer kill people who enter our territory, however we will still attempt to keep the location secret. We will also step away from politics and become pacifistic. However, pacifism does not mean carrot will become weak, we will fight as hard as we always have to protect our nation.

No heads of state have commented as of yet.

Follow PMI for more information as the world goes on.



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