Suspicion has been raised today as the Carrot Empire woke up to carrots missing from a carrot farm at a wall.
In a press statement today, the carrot king, Rory, said this:
I see that the potato resistance has begun to fight back, and taken out the carrots by the walls, and we will not stand for this, we will replace the lost carrots, and from now on, and significant land lost will be salted so the potato revolution cannot use it. We have also now given rights to wheat and beetroot supporters by giving them their own trees, and more will soon be developed.
It is unknown what the Empire means by "salted", but we speculate this may have something to do with chips, which are made of potatoes and are coated in salt.
The government also speculated in this press conference whether the government had enough gunpowder.
But also idk if there is enough gunpowder
PMI will be keeping tabs on the ongoing situation.